Try, Try Again


Lately, I’ve encountered several great companies (with great marketplace reputations) that seem to have employees who only became employees after several attempts. There seems to be a positive stigma around persistence and they don’t frown upon professionals that keep trying and finding alternate methods of getting a foot in the door.

Now, this could be seen as hubris on the part of the company, but it could also mean opportunity for you since you are now aware of this fact. It has become not only ok, but almost expected for you to keep trying to gain access to your target companies.

You no longer have to accept “no” as the end result, but rather as a speed bump in your job search journey.

So please do return to companies that have previously said no and inquire about additional opportunities. Also seek out people that you know that could/would advocate for you within those brands. Recognize that it could take as many as 6 attempts, so don’t give up too easily. This approach is certainly an acceptable and effective way of stepping into your targeted companies. #KeepPushing

If you need help with your confidence or network building, click here to schedule a consultation with me and get your job search in motion.

Written by Brenda M. Cunningham: The one who will tell you like it is and help you get to where you want to be in your career.  To learn more about our career services, visit us at