Push Career Management

Whether you’re purposefully pursuing a career change or you’ve just been downsized, I can help you articulate your value to the marketplace and accelerate your transition.

Schedule a consultation today! Find out more of what a Push can do to help you move your search forward…

Timeless Tips That Will Help You Fine-tune Your Strategy


  • Don’t keep tweaking your job search efforts according to the varying advice of several different experts. Subscribe to one (not more than two) experts, otherwise you’ll drive yourself crazy trying to adjust your resume and your methods with every new piece of “wisdom” you encounter.

  • It’s great to have a goal and specific criteria but remember employers are trying to weed you out (not in). Be sure to articulate how you can fill THEIR needs. With a focused job search you will also get what you’re looking for.

  • Never say “I just need a job.” Always be specific so we can make mental connections and introduce you to the right people.

  • If your job search continues beyond 4-6 months, start getting serious about volunteering, reading books, getting involved in some profession-related thing so you don’t lose your edge.


  • Keep a journal of your key metrics and your achievement of those metrics so you can defend your performance during reviews.

  • Never sign off on a performance review you don’t agree with. Go back and forth and demand documentation of negatives that are written in your review. Be prepared to prove that you are, in fact, awesome!

  • Stay abreast of what’s going on in your industry by subscribing to a trusted journal, recognized blog, and by joining a professional development organization.

  • Network outside of your company’s walls. If your whole department is downsized…you’ll need people to pull you into your next company. Networking is NOT overrated.

  • If you want more from your career you’ve got to act like it. Show up on time, speak up in meetings, come up with innovative ideas, and listen up when constructive feedback is being given to you.

Credentials & Affiliations

Nationally Certified Resume Writer & Online Profile Expert | Certified Job Search Strategist | Credentialed Career Manager Certified Interview & Compensation Negotiation Coach | Certified Career Coach (*pending) | Certified in Employment Law