Why You Aren't Being Referred

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“Hello connections, I am seeking a new, full-time opportunity where I can leverage my skills in operations, leadership, and customer satisfaction. I would greatly appreciate any referrals or recommendations you have  (1).png

It’s paraphrased but it’s still very familiar. The problem with this type of message is…

We have absolutely no idea what type of work you’re looking to do. Do you have any idea how many industries have operations leaders? This type of outreach does at least attempt to connect with one’s network (which is a good thing), but it does not give your network the critical information they need to actually help you.

What needs to be included is:

  • Your specific, targeted job title(s) - a clear message. What exactly do you want to do and what is it called in the marketplace?
  • The industry you’re looking for. Are you looking for something in financial services, manufacturing, or government? They’re all very different.
  • What bottom-line impacting skills will you bring to the table? Are you a $100k P&L leader or a $2B P&L leader? There is a difference.
  • Another helpful hint…consider sending these outreach letters to specific people that actually know you well enough to refer you (in a private mail). Because regardless of how well written your appeal is, professionals should never refer you if they don’t know you. You must be able to demonstrate your ability to do the job. Be honest with yourself.

Keep in mind…changing professions/industries is a much more difficult sell. You must put in the time to demonstrate how you’re qualified to perform in the new function or industry. This takes work and your examples of cross-functional success can go a long way with your network audience.

Once you craft your more-focused appeal, and you send it to specific people that can vouch for your actual performance, give them a little grace. You don’t know how busy people are or if they’re dealing with personal matters. Just because they didn’t respond in 24 hours doesn’t mean they hate you.  Sometimes they just have other stuff going on. So allow them time to respond and you take ownership of the appropriate follow up (1-2 weeks).

If you’re still struggling to get your network to help you, you may need someone to tell you the truth. I’m very good at that, especially when it helps you to stop spinning your wheels.

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Written by Brenda M. Cunningham: The one who will tell you like it is and help you get to where you want to be in your career. Click here to schedule your complimentary consultation. pushcareermanagement.com